Saturday, 1 November 2014

REVIEW | The Body Shop Tea Tree Skincare Range

I didn't get a picture of the cleanser in the main picture because I was originally planning on giving it a separate post before I talked about the rest of the range.

Thursday, 25 September 2014

REVIEW | ASAP Daily Exfoliating Facial Scrub with AHA

We all know the importance of exfoliating our skin, and manual scrubs do a pretty decent job. But after using a product that combines manual and chemical properties, I wonder how I ever went without. My skin has never felt so smooth and clean before.

Friday, 22 August 2014

My Professional Skin Analysis

A few weeks ago, I made a decision to seek out professional advice on what to do about my skin. I began looking up a few places in my area, but after work one day I realized that one of the buildings across the street had exactly what I wanted. That night I looked up the Skin and Tonic website to see what it was all about.

Image Source: Skin and Tonic Facebook Page

Sunday, 20 July 2014

My Everyday Makeup Kit

I love having a nosy through other ladies' makeup bags, so I thought you may be interested in having a look at mine! These are the products I use every single (week)day for work.

Rimmel London makeup case

Sunday, 9 March 2014

Must Haves This Winter!

During winter the previous years, I would only wear dark colours, mainly black. And I absolutely hate wearing all of one colour, or looking close to it. Last year I started to experiment a little bit and this year I'm reaching out some more. This is a list of my personal must haves this winter! 
Image source [x]

Friday, 28 February 2014

Dotti Wishlist

Ahh Dotti, my favourite store! I've been eyeing quite a few items recently, crossing my fingers that the prices will go down somewhat. If I bought all of this at their current prices, I would be down a lot of money! Click the prices below to follow the direct link to each item.

Monday, 27 January 2014

My Current Reading List

When I was younger, you could always find me reading. As the years have gone on I've struggled to find books that I was interested in. Recently I've bought quite a few books in the hope that it would rekindle my love of reading. Here is my currently reading list.